Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Home Learning Assignment - Task 2

Task 2

Complete the template provided below (Annex A), focusing on (1) Point of View; (2) Situation and Setting; (3) Language/Diction; and (4) Personal Response, and post your response to Task 2 on your blog. This template is based on John Lye’s ‘Critical Analysis of Poetry’, and you can make reference to this in Annex B when in doubt.

Rainbow Death

Hubert Wilson

America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

1. Point of View

I feel that the poem is written from the point of view of someone who has suffered the devastating effects of coming into contact with Agent Orange. This is evident from how the poet states "Execrable effects of agent orange spray!" to end off his poem. The poet also very clearly describes the side effects of Agent Orange, and states that "America did not foresee" the harmful side effects of Agent Orange. This suggests that he is probably a soldier and fought in the Vietnam War, and had most probably first handedly witnessed the effects of Agent Orange.

2. Situation and Setting

The poem is set after Agent Orange was used. It might have been set several years after the Vietnam war, when not only the immediate effects but the long term effects of Agent Orange were witnessed. The harmful long term effects of Agent Orange are witnessed on the future generations of the Vietnamese like "birth defects" and even "prematurely dead". It could also probably be that "America did not foresee" these effects on the Vietnamese children and tried to hide the facts and truth from other people, as seen from "All the deceit continues to spread", which most likely implies that America had been hiding the truth about the side effects of Agent Orange from the public, and this was still ongoing at the time when the poet was still writing the poem.

3. Language/ Diction

The title of the poem "Rainbow death" is rather ironic. When we see the word "rainbow", we normally think of rich and vibrant colours or have positive thoughts. However, this is contrasted by "death", something negative and ominous. I also feel that the word "Rainbow" is a reference to the rainbow herbicides, which killed and harmed many millions of people. Maybe the poet chose such an oxymoron to be the title for the poem because he wanted the readers to see a contrast between the aims of the Americans in using Agent Orange and the effect of using Agent Orange. The poet also uses the word "potpourri" to symbolise the different mixture of herbicides used in the war, like Agent green, Agent pink, Agent purple. There is also alliteration in the poem, as seen from "thinking twice?", the letter "t" starting in both words. The "t" sound is a harsh tone which probably shows the poet is mocking America for using Agent Orange.

4. Personal Response

This poem leaves the readers rather disturbed, as the poet keeps putting in images of death and disaster throughout his poem. Phrases and words like "Rainbow Death", "Toll on the innocent and unborn", Generations untold WILL pay", conjure images of imminent deaths and disasters. The poet also questions America mockingly with "thinking twice?" and sympathises with the Vietnamese. The readers have to have at least some prior knowledge on the Vietnamese war before being able to understand the poem.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home Learning Assignment - Task 1

Task 1

Based on your understanding of the selected poem, perform extensive web research and write a report on your blog detailing the conflict represented in the poem(s) of your choice. Bear in mind that this piece of background information will allow your blog audience to further understand the poem as well as your analysis of the poem in Task 2.

Rainbow Death
Hubert Wilson

America did not foresee
Green, pink, purple and other colors death potpourri!
Expecting others to pay a high price.
Now thinking twice?
Toll on the innocent and unborn.

Omnipotent and disregarding who will mourn.
Reflective about all the illness, birth defects and prematurely dead.
All the deceit continues to spread.
Nefariously America led astray -
Generations untold WILL pay -
Execrable effects of agent orange spray!

After researching on the internet, I found out that this poem was basically talking about "Rainbow Herbicides", which was used in the Herbicidal Warfare Programme. Rainbow Herbicides caused tremendous suffering to the victims of it, and even the people who used or even just came into contact with the Rainbow Herbicides. The most prominent and commonly used Rainbow herbicide was the "Agent Orange", which is what the poet is mainly talking about.

Agent Orange is the code name for a herbicide and highly toxic defoliant(
chemical sprayed or dusted on plants to cause its leaves to fall off) used by the U.S. military in its Herbicidal Warfare program during the Vietnam War. The main aim of using Agent Orange was to reduce the dense jungle foliage so that Vietnamese troops could not use it for cover. It was also to destroy the Vietnamese people's crops so that they did not have food.

From 1962 to 1971, Agent Orange was the most widely used among the herbicides, which have caused numerous health problems for the millions of people who have been exposed to it.
4.8 million Vietnamese people were exposed to Agent Orange, resulting in 400,000 deaths and disabilities, and 500,000 children born with birth defects.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Widow builds children a life-size cardboard cut-out of their dead father

Hi guys.

I saw this article in the news recently which i thought interesting. It is about this British family whose father had passed away weeks after being diagnosed with not one, but two brain tumours in his head. Paul Challis, the father, had passed away at the young age of just 38. His wife and two children could not bear the fact that their father had died, and the mother decided to make a cardboard figure resembling their father, to keep him close to their hearts.

You can read the full article here:

After reading this article, I had some thoughts about it. To me, it was just plain creepy. Why would they want a cardboard figure of a dead person for? Was the family being realistic? I feel that the family should just learn to let go and deal with the grief, and not use a cardboard figure to replace their father. The family have to face the music and accept the fact that their father is gone. All human beings die someday. The family should just accept it. The two children might not learn the proper way of dealing with grief, since they might just rely on the presence of their "living" father.

However, I also feel that it might just be the family's way of dealing with the grief of losing their beloved father. Well, a dead person is a dead person. They might as well just live with it. As the article quoted, "Telling the children was hard, they wanted to know why doctors couldn't make him better. "Molly, one of their children even asked, "can't we go on bike rides anymore? That's sad." This figure might just hinder the children accepting the fact that their father is dead.

What do you guys think? I really need comments!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

5 months and counting...

Hi people.

It has been five months into the year 2010. It is definitely a different experience from my secondary one life. It has been much more stressful, with much more homework and commitments. However, it also means an additional one more year to our ages, and we should be more mature in our thoughts. I shall now talk about the future class program that I have experienced for these few months. The future class program basically involves the use of computers to aid our learning, through the just-in-time-teaching method. I have seen people misusing the computer for other purposes. They use the computers for non-educational purposes like playing games and surfing the internet. I do not really feel that this future school program is actually beneficial. It is actually harming us, instead of doing us good. Also, sometimes we do not use the computer at all for the whole day and yet we carry the extra weight around. I feel that we students are still not at the age where we can learn to control ourselves and are disciplined enough to actually stay away from playing computer games during school. Maybe we can wait till we are older and more matured and then start using computers.

The June holidays are also barely a month away. I am looking forward to a break from the hectic school life. During the June holidays, I will devote half my time to doing homework, revision, ace and projects. A quarter or more of my time will be spent on other commitments like Co-curricular activities, and some enrichment lessons and sports like swimming and cycling, and some leisure time of my own to play computer games and stuff. I would also be going overseas to Hong Kong for a week and I am absolutely looking forward to it! This week would also probably be the best time to catch up with my family and better our relationships with each other.

What do all of you do during the holidays? Share your plans with me!